Our Story 2


Our founders, Mark and Dan, and their respective families, lost their dogs around the same time-- Savage, Harmony, and Elvis.

Harmony & Savage Elvis

It's never easy losing a pet, especially for younger family members. But was there a way they could improve the lives of dogs and dog families, and possibly extend pet lives? 

Mark and Dan agreed to do their best to make it happen ... because that's what their dogs would do for them.

Mark's years of experience with thousands of working dog teams in counter-terrorism operations meant he understood the role nutrition plays in performance, health, and longevity. 

But when looking for solutions it became clear that the marketplace was filled with confusing and potentially harmful products, sold by companies that prioritize profits over pet health.


These companies cut corners by...

Sourcing cheap ingredients

    Relying on spurious or outdated research
      Creating problems for others with plastic waste
        Mark and Dan knew they could do better, so they created Petwell Club. They started by creating a value system and making a pact to hold themselves accountable to it. 
        Next, Dan used his business acumen to create a plan to improve pet health in a safe, effective and ecologically friendly way by ...
        • Sourcing only pure ingredients
        • Using quality, cutting-edge research along with data science & analytics
        • Only using sustainable, eco-friendly and compostable packaging
        Mark and Dan, together with an expert team, crafted the the first Petwell Club products.
        The products went through rigorous scientific testing... 
        And even more rigorous testing with Oscar... 

        ... and the result? Success!

        Welcome to the Petwell Club family!