Home Composting

Composting at home is not just a simple and powerful method to decrease waste, it's also a beneficial practice that enriches your soil, saves you money on fertilizers, and fosters a healthier and more sustainable home environment. By transitioning to our compostable packaging, you're making a substantial contribution to nurturing a greener planet. Moreover, you're reducing your environmental footprint, creating a positive impact on your local ecology, and helping to drive change in your community. Your commitment bolsters our collective effort to make the world just a little bit better place to live. We deeply value your support, knowing that together, we can pave the way for a greener future.

While there are no international or USA standards currently defining the conditions for home composting of biodegradable plastics, we still encourage you to compost our packaging at home whenever feasible. Designed to break down safely and efficiently, our compostable packaging contributes to the regeneration of healthy soil.

Please be aware that composting times can vary depending on regional climates and individual compost bin conditions. The rate and effectiveness of composting depend largely on factors like local weather, the season, the carbon-nitrogen balance, and air circulation. 

Proper Disposal of Compostable Packaging Composting necessitates the right blend of materials, oxygen, heat, and moisture, and conditions.

Step 1: Unpack and Sort After you've used up the product, be sure to separate any non-compostable elements that may have inadvertently ended up in the trash, like metal clips or pieces of plastic. While our packaging is completely compostable, it's important to check for and remove any other components that aren't suitable for composting.

Step 2: Tear It Up Cutting or tearing the packaging into smaller pieces will accelerate the composting process. Try to create pieces no bigger than 2 inches wide.

Step 3: Add to Your Compost Bin Place the packaging pieces into your compost bin. The packaging is considered 'brown' compost material, so ensure a balanced mix with 'green' materials such as vegetable peelings, coffee grounds or grass cuttings. A good ratio is roughly equal parts of green and brown materials.

Step 4: Maintain Your Compost To encourage composting, make sure your compost pile stays moist but not soaked, and turn it every few weeks to allow oxygen in. If your compost pile smells bad, it might need more brown materials or more frequent turning.

Step 5: Patience Composting takes time. Depending on the conditions in your compost bin, the packaging could take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months to completely decompose.

Step 6: Use Your Compost When fully composted, your packaging will have transformed into a rich, dark soil that's excellent for gardening. Use it to enrich your garden soil or potting mix.

Certification and Compliance for Sustainable Packaging

Our commitment to sustainable packaging is grounded in stringent adherence to international composting standards and accreditations. Different products, materials, or manufacturing processes may require diverse certification types and standards codes. 

We ensure that all our raw materials and components in our pouch packaging complies with FTC, ASTM D6400, and EN13432 standards.

Standards Overview Several reputable organizations offer third-party verification:

AS4736 and AS5810 These are the Australian standards that define industrial and home compostability.

ASTM D6400 This US standard dictates the industrial compostability of individual materials or components, such as a disposable fork.

ASTM D6868 This US standard addresses the industrial compostability of products with a laminated or extruded film or coating. It ensures that coated products remain compostable, even when additives are included.

EN13432 and EN14995 These European standards are equivalent to the ASTM standards, providing regulations for compostable plastics.

ISO15985 This international standard applies to products suitable for anaerobic biodegradation.

ISO17088 This International Standard caters to products compostable in industrial facilities.

N FT 51-800 This French standard defines home compostability.

Accreditation Bodies BPI BPI is a US-based organization that officially certifies compostable products adhering to ASTM D6400 and ASTM D6868 compostability standards.

Cedar Grove Cedar Grove Compost, a prominent compost facility based in Seattle, USA, conducts field testing on compostable products.

CMA The Compost Manufacturers Association field tests compostable products in diverse compost facilities to verify their compostability under varying conditions.